...and Spring skipped happily...
I kept a blog for about the first ten years I lived here in Finland. I have been perusing it and discovered as I did so that I have a recurring habit--every spring I am overcome by poignant expectation of her arrival, and if I write about her, I personify her. (Spring is a she, Winter is a he, for some reason).
Spring surprised me this year. She down right exploded in my face, if you will, leaving Winter no options to bid us one last farewell snowfall. She shooed off his icy lake surfaces and worked her magic on all growing things in such rapid succession that I almost couldn't keep up. She came so forcefully that I am beginning to wonder if she and Summer are in cahoots, or perhaps just trying to apologetically pay back for last year's glitch when Summer refused to show up.
These May days have been beautiful and warm, almost making me think I am not in Finland anymore. The lake water is warm enough to swim in, and I can walk outside in the evenings without a coat. I mention these things, because they are not to be taken for granted hereabouts. This May has been the hottest in Finland's recorded history.
The sense of expectation has also been strong this year. I am watching nature grow and sprout in my own little flower garden and under the kitchen window where I have some strawberry plants. I check on my little friends every day, wondering at their gumption to reach above the soil and become visible, sprout, grow strong and bloom in due time. I have realized that I quite like to watch things grow.
And yes, this post has nothing to do with NorsuArt, per se. But I offer you yet another realization--I cannot separate my life into compartments--business, farming, gardening, faith, inner world, seasonal changes, etc. I have had difficulty blogging because most of the things I want to write about have very little to do with the business of cards and much more to do with the business of life. I figured there's enough space here for all of it. :)
Each bloom has its timing.
As do you.