Ending the Year
One full year of NorsuArt is behind me. Wow! I cannot even begin to describe how intense this year has been, not only business-wise but also personally. I am grateful for all the advice I have been given by those older and wiser, for all I have learned, which also means that I have understood just how much MORE I still need to learn!
I took off for two weeks in the middle of the Christmas season. I know, crazy. But my cards had been delivered to retailers and I was sorely in need of sunshine and a way to turn off my head from going over my to-do lists.
So it was, "Hello, Florida sunshine!" I suddenly remembered how blissful it is to live in a place where you have guaranteed daylight, usually sun, and no snow. I was able to unplug and air out my thoughts, exercise my body, and relax my wits during the holiday before returning to a very cozy and snowy Christmas in Finland.
I will still spend a few moments ruminating over the events of the last year in these remaining days of 2017. And I will also cut and paste a few pictures of dreams for the next year onto a sheet of paper, you know, so they exist somewhere and I can remember them. I think I need to have some concrete goals related to NorsuArt cards and products, but then I will also cherish some less bullet-listed dreams of travels and experiences, gardening and farming.
I don't do new year's resolutions, but I always wish that the coming year would be better than the one that has passed. How do you observe the change of the year? Do you have goals? Dreams?
Some dreams are for you, and some are meant to fly by!