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When a hobby gets serious

I perused old cards that I had given my mother as far back as the 90s.  I detected a recurring flower-garden theme in them throughout the years.  I also found some of my earliest pen-and-ink sketches for cards that I drew as a young'un in Ecuador where I grew up.  Those were in Spanish.

So finally, after taking, oh, the last six years or so to dream about it, I have finally come to a point where perhaps the elephant could go public.  Norsu (elephant) cards have always been highly personalized to the recipient, so the question is how to maintain the detail and care while being sent out to the world at large.  :)

Like much else in life, this card making enterprise is a work in progress.  So bear with me, as I figure out how to get these cute cards and the story of NorsuArt out to you!