Cards &

Artist selfie

Artist selfie

NorsuArt is the banner for Laura Haarlaa's illustrations. For the past 15 years she has been illustrating personalized cards and gifts for family and friends. With NorsuArt, she hopes to bring her unique and heart-warming illustrations to a wider audience, to you!

Norsu means elephant in Finnish. And since elephants are known to never forget, the logo has been present in Norsu cards ever since the beginning. When you send a NorsuArt card, it means you haven't forgotten that special someone, that you value them, and that they are part of your world.

So what are we about?  Well, we do tailored wedding invitations, tailored invitations for businesses, and illustration projects.  And of course, we do CARDS, so you can send your lovin' all around the world.  We are in the beginning stages of all that is NorsuArt, so hang in there with us for the journey.  Check the blog for more personal updates!

NorsuArt ships worldwide from Helsinki, Finland.